Yoga Strong

219 - Do You Want to Teach Magnetic Yoga Classes?

January 04, 2024 Bonnie Weeks
219 - Do You Want to Teach Magnetic Yoga Classes?
Yoga Strong
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Yoga Strong
219 - Do You Want to Teach Magnetic Yoga Classes?
Jan 04, 2024
Bonnie Weeks

Today we talk Flow School, my online program designed to help yoga teachers tap into their creative sequencing and find their authentic voice.

Flow School helps you understand the why behind your choices, offers a supportive community of like-minded, rule-bending teachers, and provides tools and resources to support you in leading the kinds of classes that light both you and your students up.

Next round starts January 13th. Learn more and sign up here

Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email (, Website
Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
Produced by: Grey Tanner

Show Notes Transcript

Today we talk Flow School, my online program designed to help yoga teachers tap into their creative sequencing and find their authentic voice.

Flow School helps you understand the why behind your choices, offers a supportive community of like-minded, rule-bending teachers, and provides tools and resources to support you in leading the kinds of classes that light both you and your students up.

Next round starts January 13th. Learn more and sign up here

Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email (, Website
Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
Produced by: Grey Tanner

Bonnie (04:00.19)
and have to say why you're doing what you're doing, you have to figure out how to own it and how to explain it and if it really does work. So I have put myself in a position where I say this is what I've created, this is why I've created it, and then I write it out and then we have discussion about it. And some of it is like that works, that doesn't work, here's what I would do differently, here's why I did this. I have to own it. Y'all. 

Bonnie (04:29.026)
And I talk about owning the hell out of your voice all the time. And there is nothing like being a teacher at the front of the room and having to explain why you're doing what you're doing, like why you're doing what you're doing to help you figure out what you're trying to own. And helping teachers be able to do that is such a gift. And I know what it's like. 

To stand up in front of a room and have to own your voice and the nuance in that and the work in it and the play in it and this discovery because we all get to mirror back things to each other and we learn a lot from each other. And so Flow School over these years has served hundreds of people and it's evolved because I have evolved. I have become a better teacher and even for these in real life experiences they are changing the online experience because they're making it better because I am understanding even more of how to support teachers in what they're looking for and especially in regards to sequencing. It's also helping me be a better mentor as I offer mentorship where you can work with me 

Bonnie (05:52.73)
and have one-on-one conversations to support your own growth as a teacher, your growth in your creative business, in your leadership with team building. So it's impacting all of those things because when we're together and when we have these experiences where we're learning from each other, we can't not change. We can't not expand. We can't not improve upon unless I guess, unless we're not paying attention. 

Bonnie (06:21.998)
Right? If we're not paying attention, nothing changes. If you don't have something different, nothing different happens, but that's not what I'm about here. Right? So I want you, if you're listening to this and you're a teacher, do you feel like you are owning the hell out of your voice? Do you feel like you have a solid why in what you're creating? And do you want more if you don't? 

Bonnie (06:46.838)
So I wanna say like, yes, I want to own the hell of my voice. Yes, I want people to like my classes, but I also know that my classes aren't gonna be for everyone and yours don't have to be too. And that is actually relief. So that needs to be important upfront is you don't have to have your classes be for every single person. Not every person has to like them. Should you be able to, I'm gonna put air quotes around, should you be able to teach a class for every single type of ability? 

Bonnie (07:18.494)
I mean, I'm going to say like a rough yes-ish, but very much I would equate it to being a trainer. So if you are a personal trainer, I come from a movement background and from personal training background. And so if I was a personal trainer and I had somebody come in with a very, like with their, with their body stuff and they're like, you know what? I have a fused spine. I have a knee that's doing this. I am deaf in my right ear. And 

Bonnie (07:47.502)
there's this other thing that's happening and I have different levels in my body that are like this because I went to the doctor. And so they come with a slew of things, right? So for me to just say like, okay, got that and jump right in, maybe I would, maybe I would have had experience, but maybe I would need to do some learning, be like, okay, cool, let me go do some research and then get back to you. And so we don't have to be the right teacher for everyone and have every single tool to help people 

Bonnie (08:16.718)
on the spot. We are continuing to learn. And when we come up against somebody or a situation that might be new and might present us with a new problem to solve, when we lean into that and say, oh, let me actually like, thank you for bringing that to me. I actually don't know. Let me go learn and let me get back to you. So that's a great perspective to have because there is no way we're 

Bonnie (08:46.418)
according to their needs. And so can we teach classes where they serve all different sorts of people? Yes, and also we need each other because we specialize in a couple of different things. There is people who really like working with different populations of people and that's fantastic because we all can't do all the things. We can do a lot of things, but there's not enough time. And... 

Bonnie (09:13.534)
in our lives to do every single thing and to do it well. So that upfront, but Flow School can help support you in so many different ways that you teach class. So Flow School, it can impact those who are teaching Vinyasa classes, Power Vinyasa classes, and Slow Flow classes. 

Bonnie (09:36.942)
Not necessarily restorative, yin, although there's like this, you know, flow element you could think of with it, but those are just kind of different formats for class than a vinyasa style. I know I've had somebody who does aerial yoga and brought that to Flow School and sequenced with the silk, which is fascinating. But really this is that vinyasa style and it can be slowed down and it can be powered up. 

Bonnie (28:11.35)
with us as much as you can be. So I just like to say that upfront. So online, you'll get the reminders, we'll meet on Zoom, there will be the replays, the price, the investment, it's $625, there are payment plans, and I also have offer scholarships. I have scholarships for every online Flow School. Once you have paid for Flow School, you are forever in Flow School. So one of the perks is that as alumni, excuse me, 

Bonnie (28:40.398)
For anybody who has already gone through Flow School, they get to return to Flow School anytime. And I have had a good handful of people who have come back to Flow School or repeated one after the other because they wanted to go through it again and really feel into it and learn it. And if you miss some days, you can come back. So like alumni, you're in forever. You're part of the Flow School family. So pay once you're in forever. You can always come back to it. 625. 

Bonnie (29:08.578)
There is payment options for a one payment or five payment. There's also scholarship. And so what to expect is that you're gonna get a reminder the day before and each session will begin with a practice and a flow dissection. And we'll move that into a lesson that includes slides and whiteboards and breakout rooms and printable PDFs. And that will be followed up by movement experiments that give those lessons some context. 

Bonnie (29:37.118)
And that context then like turns into the community conversation and sequencing reviews and homework assignments for the next time. So an after class share the replay and you will create a weekly sequence and post it in our circle community. And then you'll give and receive feedback about your sequencing. And if you're currently teaching, then try on the Flow School ideas and teach it in your classes so that you have a little bit more 

Bonnie (30:04.514)
Like that feedback is going to be an important teacher to you as a teacher, right? Because teaching is a practice. So we're practicing here. You will also be able to take Studio B classes. So my online studio, Studio B, where I put classes, new classes, goes up every week, that is gifted to you during the duration of Flow School so you can actually move with me and learn with me. We'll read the book Breath by James Nestor and have a whole like book club moment where we talk about breath. So that is the required reading. 

Bonnie (30:33.63)
required highly suggested reading. So what's included is this Studio B membership for two months. You get to direct contact message me anytime. In our circle group, like you can DM me, you can message anybody else in our group in Flow School. And I give you feedback on every single sequence that you post. You want questions answered, like I'm there. Does this work? Why doesn't it work? I give you suggestions like, I'm fairly lengthy with my feedback there. It's... 

Bonnie (31:02.77)
it's a labor of love to go through and to, in some ways it's an audit, an edit of flows of like, is this working or how does this work and does this breath work? So there's a whole variety of ways that we can interact there. You also get a community of open-minded peers that also like to bend the rules. 

Bonnie (31:26.818)
And I say bend the rules because we're here to kind of explore some edges of like what we think we have to do or don't have to do. You have access to replay the class on your own time and have that kind of forever access for right now, and you have all the PDFs and slides that are shared that you can save and print. So. 

Bonnie (31:49.258)
It's pretty awesome. I think to have created a thing and be like, you know, this is pretty awesome. I don't know about you all and your brains and the way they work and how sometimes things can look shiny and you're like, oh, I wanted to go do that. And sometimes when there's work and hard work for something and. Maybe you don't want to do it because it feels hard. If Flow School is one of those things that I have stuck with. 

Bonnie (32:17.966)
And I've repeated so many times. And repetition is such a teacher. It's a refining process. And to have stuck with it and to share it again and again and again, continues to inspire me in what I'm doing and the ways I'm connecting with the teachers. And also I did the damn thing. And it feels really good to have stuck with something even in parts that were sticky for me. 

Bonnie (32:46.89)
or things that I didn't know how to do and like how to orchestrate things or the learning I've had to do to run business or to host something like this. And I just, you know, I think as teachers, as you know, the hidden things, the things that you don't see from our own personal stories and lives where you show up to class, you show up to teach and there are so many hours of time of you alone figuring things out. Bonnie (33:16.502)
that are unnoticed, that you have stuck with it, and that are impacting how you show up. I just want to let you know that it matters. Because I can see it for myself, even if other people can't see it, and I'm like, wow, I'm doing it. And I just want to let you know that from teacher to teacher, you're doing it, and I see you, and it matters, and you matter, and you're not alone in it. 

Bonnie (33:48.298)
I'm going to put those sign up for Flow School in the show notes. Come join me in Flow School. If you have questions and you have further questions about any of the things that I shared, then shoot me a message. You can find me on the gram carrot underscore bowl underscore Bonnie, or email me at hello at And come join me in Flow School online starts January 13th. So to sign up, it's time to sign up right now. 

Bonnie (34:18.246)
or check the website if this is later than January 13th. And if you are jonesing for in real life, huggable, touchable, see the sweat, eat food together, flow together, laugh together, all those sorts of things, come find me in real life. Come find me in Florida, come find me in Sacramento, like beginning of this next year. I'm sending you a big love. I'll see you soon.